
score: love-love.

to keep ourselves entertained during our courtship, Gary and I played a lot of sports.  well, mainly tennis.  BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY GAME I COULD BEAT HIM AT.  so of course it was always my first choice. (not that he was ever allowed to choose, or anything. well, that's all water under the bridge now, isn't it.)

but it wasn't like we had a ton of options, either.  obviously, we had to stick to games that could be played with only two people.  

so that basically left golf, which I NEVER, EVER beat him at.  if ever there was a game that made you involuntarily swear or fudge your score just a little, this would be it.  so, instead of having to continually deal with a guilt-ridden conscience afterwards, I just hung it up altogether.  besides, it was costly.        

and one-on-one basketball.  but he towered over me, so that was totally not fair. (I might have beat him at H-O-R-S-E, though.) 

and so, tennis it was.  apparently he didn't mind losing like I did.  heh.  

after we were married, our "sport" dates eventually became non-existant, and for obvious reasons.  we had our first child, Hannah.  and the next year, Jake.  and the next, Chloe.  and the next-- well, you get the idea.  we were knee deep in diapers too busy raising kids to even think about playing any kind of sports.  all our time and energy was focused on pleasing, or trying to please, the new bosses.

rewind to last Saturday when, all of the sudden, I had the itch to get back out on the court again, not sure why.  so that evening I forced Gary into Target (he hates shopping), and demanded that we pick up a couple rackets.  he willingly surrendered.  

well, after a mere fourteen year break I was a little, okay maybe a lot, rusty.  and don't tell anyone, but Gary whipped me three games to none.  cheater.  he didn't even take into consideration the fact that I'm handicapped-- er, great with child.  I mean, THE GALL.  all I can say is, NEXT TIME.    

Jester Jessica vs. Grizzly Gary (photos courtesy of Hannah):

well, we had fun anyway.  and I didn't even swear, so phew, right? ;-)


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