
apricot picking.

first let me clarify: aside from a handful here and there, I really didn't do a whole lot of picking.          

but I did do a whole lot of pick(ture) (tak)ing, much to my friends' delight.  or was it dismay? 

anyway, that really doesn't matter.

what matters is that in all my 33.10 years of living, I had never seen an actual apricot tree. (is that considered leading a sheltered life?) sure, I've harvested many an apricot tree playing Farmville (um yeah, we all have our crutches, don't we?), but that doesn't come close to seeing one in real life and picking the fruit with my own two hands.


golden ripe and ready to pick.  or eat, in my case. 


these two got right down to business and climbed the tree to pick.  although I think they had more fun shaking the branches, thus sending a rain of apricots down onto their unsuspecting photographer's noggin. 


Jen was in her glory.  I can tell she has thoughts of yummy apricot jam on her toast.  Mmm. 

 IMG_7487  IMG_7500 

 little hands love to help, too.



I believe Jean filled her bag the quickest.  and the fullest.  she didn't hesitate to clammer up the tree, either.


all in a day's work.  or at least an hour out of the day, anyway.

we enjoyed apricot syrup on our waffles and apricot jam on our toast and apricots by the handful.

a word to the wise: unless you happen to be craving a little heart to heart with the 'ol porcelain throne, I highly suggest you limit your consumption.  oof-dah.

and now I don't care if I ever see another apricot tree for the rest of my life.  hee.


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