
nine months.

photos taken in Sedona last Sunday. 

at nine months, Scarlett continues to swoon us with her adorable looks, charming smile and happy-go-lucky personality.  unlike the one just above her (I won't mention any names here, but it starts with R and ends in oh double-u a en), she absolutely loves to cuddle.  in fact, you can always tell who's been snuggling Scarlett by the presence of snot or drool marks on his or her shoulder.  and believe me, around these parts that's what we call a good sign!  it means she's been held and loved!  and then it turns into a competition of sorts, where people are comparing shoulders to see who has the most snot. like, pfft you only have a tiny streak, I have a huge gob!  so there!

as far as accomplishments and developments go, she can now pull herself up to standing with the help of certain objects which include, but are not limited to, my leg.  in addition to baby food, we have started to introduce a few table foods, mainly anything that she can feed herself; cheerios, cubes of cheese, crackers, peas and corn, etc.  she now has six, yes SIX, teeth that are razor sharp. (think "ouch, Charlie.") yeah, if she manages to unleash her pearly whites on you, it really hurts.

at her last well-child check up, her pediatrician detected a slight heart murmur.  as a precautionary measure he recommended she have a chest x-ray, followed up by a visit to a pediatric cardiologist.  well, she had the chest x-ray a couple weeks ago and and we were much relieved to hear that the results were normal.  so this afternoon is the appointment with the cardiologist, so let's hope all goes well and it's just one of those innocent murmurs. I haven't noticed any signs or symptoms that would lead me to believe she has a heart problem, but I'd rather have everything thoroughly checked out just to be safe.

last but not least: I hate to tell you guys this, but I'm seriously suffering from a major case of "blog burn-out."  and if I'm feeling that way, surely you guys must be bored to tears with my incoherent babbling these posts as well.  and so to remedy the situation, I'm going to take the rest of the week off to "unplug" a little. who knows, I might even go as far as avoiding facebook, too.  now wouldn't that be something?  I will continue to post my photo-a-day (see Project 365 above), so be sure and check back for the latest photo updates.  this project has been more challenging than I initially thought, but at the same time, I've been having a lot of fun with it.

thanks for your patience and understanding!

have a great rest of the week, peeps! (and now I'm off to snuggle my baby girl!)



Ramona johnson said...

What am I going to do with myself when I don't have your blog to read for the rest of the week. But you gotta take some time for yourself. Save up all those awesome stories for us for when you get back into blogging next week. Snuggle your cute little baby. If you feel the way about her like I do about Seliina, she is getting out of that baby stage.

Anonymous said...

everyone needs a break now and then! ENJOY!! -natalie

Anonymous said...

More Face Look, less Face Book. We should all take a break and look at real life more often, good for you.

Ruth said...

Look at all those teeth! She looks so big with them. Mariah is finally popping hers out. Whitney just informed me she has 6 on the bottom and now 2 on top! She's getting her teeth in the weirdest order...molars first then front teeth? Give your darling baby a big hug from Auntie Ruth :)

Lisa Karvonen Johnson said...

Such an adorable age, I love it. I love her smile.. she seems as happy as you explain. :)

Anonymous said...

she is DARLING! ... (all of your kids are!)

Anonymous said...

She is just a doll. I need a new baby girl!-Brianna

KrisKep said...

enjoy the break...let the creative juices build up. You write in a way that we all can relate to. I love your blog...feel like I've gotten to know you well! Love the photos too...