
7,884,000 minutes.

thank you everyone for the anniversary wishes yesterday!

for the record, we did end up going out for dinner, albeit our perceptions of 'fine dining' differed tremendously.  while Gary's idea of a romantic regale was splitting a 6 dollar burrito at Chipotle, I had visions of dining out at the more upscale Cottage Place in downtown Flag.  here's the conversation that ensued:

me, pleading: "can't we just go out on a limb and splurge for once?  I mean it's not like we go out to eat THAT often.  besides, we're celebrating fifteen years together.  that's 7, 884, 000 minutes, to be exact."

him, unconvinced: "expound on the word splurge, please."

me: "well, I dunno, like anywhere from $30 to $40 a plate, or something."

him, horrified: "f-f-f-forty?  are you kidding me?"  his eyeballs literally spring out of their sockets and are now rolling around on the floor.

just as Rowan is about to scoop up an orb and pop it in his mouth, I blurt out, "okay fine, Outback.  but we're NOT splitting," I quickly add.

him: "deal."

compromise, compromise, compromise.  isn't that what marriage is all about?  well, someday I'm going to dress up in heels and a little black dress and dine at a fancy restaurant, frivolous as it may be.

Phoebe and I made peanut butter cookies yesterday, and she talked my ear off.  here's a sneak peek:

stay tuned for more pictures and witty four year-old quotes.

happy Thursday!


PS. photo taken via self-timer.  I've been doing more of that lately mainly for documentation purposes-- that hey, these kids actually do have a mother!  otherwise, I'll never be in any of the pictures.


Briita said...

the picture is worth millions!

Crystal Lee Photography said...

love the photo...Happy Anniversary (I read your blog yesterday, then got distracted and never commented).

Kristin said...

Phoebe looks just pleased!

Dave and Brianna said...

Cute! I need to get a new camera so I'll have documentaion toO! Broke in feb. and I still haven't gone to look at any.